OmniNet Private Web Site
Quick Search System

If you need help on searching, see Searching Instructions and Tips.

Main Search Engines Other Search Engines Internet Directories

Main Search Engines

Other Search Engines
Aliweb A small search engine which uses special site index files for better quality results
AltaVista The only search engine here that looks at every word in a web page.
FTP Search A search engine dedicated to finding files on FTP sites.
OpenText An excellent search engine with a lot of documents and Boolean capabilities
WebCrawler A medium sized search engine which is very fast

Internet Directories
Argus Clearinghouse A much smaller Internet directory, with links only to other guides (and not specific sites)
Free Internet Encyclopedia An Internet Directory with a twist: it's organized like an encyclopedia
Yahoo The largest, and by far the best, Internet directory with links to about 150,000 unique web sites

If you have questions, comments, complaints or bug-reports, please send e-mail to David Ordal at

If you are interested in downloading an update, if one is available, please see You are currently using Version 1.0.1